Wednesday 4 January 2017

Looking back 2016

If I look back 2016 after half a century, 2016 must have been a drastic year
As far as I lived in my small world, it was a peaceful year
However looking beyond my life, I know that there are many people suffering and worrying about their future 

Hope no more separation happen
Hope no more environmental destruction happen
Hope people can make some concessions toward peace 

Following pictures are just a record for 2016
Wishing for a better year 

The last day of 2016, I went to beach to see my sister surfing 
It was a beautiful dawn 

Baron following my sister but he could no go further

Looking at the lined birds

Baron welcoming my sister

We had a first snow and it was pretty cold

Morning light and a tree in front of my house

I  went to Kumamoto which locates in Kyusyu island
There was a goat summit and I presented over there
It was an interesting summit, talking about sustainable life and usage of goats  

Amakusasenri (天草千里)
It is a huge field that created by a volcano explosion


I went to Hokkaido, north island in Japan
September is still summer in Tokyo but I could hear the bれ of autumn in Hokkaido

A leaf on a road

I went to Hokkaido for my internship program but I often finish early to see sunset
This is a summer sky

There were so many new born snail
They look so fragile and beautiful

There was a big lake nearby and I often went to see the beautiful blue color

I often went for ride to forget everything
Power of nature is strong and it gave me lots of energy

Typical old cow barn 

See you 2016, welcome 2017 
I will try to see many parts of world this year !!!!