Tuesday 23 December 2014

WInter 2014 swan in Morioka

I am going back to my parents house tomorrow
I thought I have to capture some swans picture in 2014 
Pictures are random 
Hope you can get an idea of winter in my place


Many birds are waiting for people to feed them

Came across to thin layer of ice

Field and Forest

Foot print

Wet land

There is a spring
You can see a white egret




Walk- exercise 

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Winter came and my new camera came

People who check my photostack, sorry to take so much time
Season has changed to winter and Morioka is covered with snow

My sister gave me her old Canon camera 
It is her old one but I can get more light 
I do not know how to use it so I feel like the camera is taking pictures
I feel so shy when I take a picture.  I do not know why 

I thought if I use a big lens camera, I can take a good picture
But it is not always true 
Still light is important

Between trees

Forest covered with snow

It is a resting season for a garden 


Baseball team running around a pond

I guess a cat got inside the bush to catch a bird

Footprint of cat

Ice starts to cover the pond
 Swans  have to follow a path

.........Then  small crash happened

I lost my glove while I was taking a photo
so I had to go to the pond to find it 
It was a heavy snow

(taken by xperia)

Swans come close expecting that I feed them

Back to Ushiku, my parents place
I went back last month 
How peaceful without ice!!!! 

Morning fog