Sunday, 18 October 2015

Autumn 1

I live in Iwate prefecture, which locates 500 km north from Tokyo, Japan 
I am living here to go to the university 
There is a tall mountain called Mt. Iwate. We can see it from everywhere 
I check when I ride a bike, walk around, and when I am bored at class
 I always see the mountain and imagine the whether over there. 
People say after three snow falls in Mt. Iwate, we will also get a snow
I climbed up Mt. Iwate three weeks ago. The next day of my climbing, Mt. Iwate was covered with snow. 
These days I am trying to enjoy nature as much as I can. 
Before snow falls, before everything is covered with snow. .....
I feel like I am chased by a big man called snow man. 

Mt. Iwate
Art of the nature. How many colors can you find? 

Try to catch colors.
My eyes went here and there. I felt like I was in a wonderland.
Not only the color but also the smell of leaves were amazing

Winter was getting ready.
Birds and small animals were nervous for having winter and they were pretty quiet 

To the sky
In Japan, we say autumn sky is high
I felt like sky is endless at the same time, I felt like I can hit my head

Mt. Iwate is a goddest mountain
There are many statues like that on the top of the mountain

Back to down land

Steam from a pond
It is getting colder in the morning and it is getting harder to get out from a warm bed
But when I get outside, I can see this view.
I can see how cold the world is
It looks like ducks are taking bath

Morning walk
Not bad to walk in this time
 I can hear everything, trees, birds, insects are getting ready for waking up

We have lots of rain in this season
Even whether forcast tells the day to be sunny, we often have a sudden rain
I cannot count how many times, I made my clothes and towel wet by drying outside my room

Between rain
I like the sun between cloud
But it is hard to take a photo since sun is so selfish and mischievous
She lighten and hide as if she is mocking me

Jewel drops
They look so fragile and they look like they stay on the leaf secretly 

light in the jungle

Susuki field
I walked with my friend in the afternoon to come to this place
This place is used to be a farm that owned by a rich governor
Right now, fields are replaced by wild plants and becoming homes for thousand of animals

A dog

Three random pictures
Autumn evening 

Yellow leaves,  bench with a lady

Yellow leaves

Yellow leaves, bench without a lady